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Romeo & Juliet 3rd Edition ePlay


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Cambridge School Shakespeare editions offer an active approach to the Bard's works, treating each play as a script to be acted, explored and enjoyed.

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  • PDF Textbook

To view a sample chapter, click on the file below in blue.

PDF Textbook

Preliminary pages

Romeo and Juliet - Part 1

Romeo and Juliet - Part 2

Romeo and Juliet - Part 3

Romeo and Juliet - Part 4

Romeo and Juliet - Part 5

Romeo and Juliet - Part 6


The oppositions of Romeo and Juliet

Why did Romeo and Juliet die?

The language of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet in performance

The story of Romeo and Juliet

List of characters

William Shakespeare

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Page 21

'Juliot' should read Juliet.

Page 48

The notes do not match up with their numbers after note 5, and note 17 is missing.


Rex Gibson