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Paper Boats


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Paper Boats is a compelling collection of 21 short stories for Years 7&8 written by students from immigrant, refugee or asylum seeker backgrounds, reflecting their origins, journey and arrival in Australia.

Suitable for upper primary and lower secondary students of English, these lesson-sized stories cover a range of themes and styles that introduce students to writing techniques and the skills of critical literacy. Sometimes disturbing, sometimes uplifting, these powerful stories let students glimpse the hardship and dangers other students have endured to reach this country.

• Contains 21 short stories, organised by theme, that are close in length to student work and can be discussed in a single class session.

• Discussion questions develop reading and comprehension skills, with a focus on particular themes and motifs.

• Research questions and activities encourage students to learn more about topics of interest.

• Writing activities encourage and develop student writing by setting topics or guidelines for writing short pieces


Yasar Duyal (Series editor)