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Essential English Skills for the Australian Curriculum Year 10 Second Edition


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The second edition of the popular Essential English Skills for the Australian Curriculum series has been updated for today’s students. Providing support for differentiated learning and featuring flexible ICT tasks that encourage language and literacy development, the series is ideal for both classroom use and homework.

Solutions are available for teachers in downloadable PDF format. To access, log in to your Cambridge GO teacher account.

Note to teachers: responses to many questions in these workbooks ask students to write their own sentences using the vocabulary they have encountered. On these occasions the authors have provided one example of a sentence as a model for teachers to use with the understanding that your students will write their own original sentences.

Solutions updated 29 November 2017.

Now available

7 September 2017

p. 29: Run-on sentences text changed to 'make it into two sentences, or use a conjunction or a semi-colon'

p. 44: Question 2 changed to 'A parenthetical clause is a clause within a phrase or clause. It is not essential to the framing sentence, but it adds extra information. For example, Mrs Hill has finally retired could have a parenthetical clause added to become Mrs Hill, who worked at the town hall, has finally retired.
Rewrtie the following sentences, making up some additional information to be used as a parenthetical clause.'

p. 44 Question 2a deleted and the other letters changed accordingly


Anne-Marie Brownhill