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English for the Australian Curriculum Book 2


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English for the Australian Curriculum provides a fully balanced and integrated approach to language, literature and literacy for the Australian Curriculum.

For more information, click on “buy now” to visit our catalogue website.

If you are activating a student text access code provided in the front of the print textbook you will have access to the following resources:

  • PDF Textbook
  • Word activities
  • Additional student resources

The Interactive Textbook is available for purchase separately or in a bundle with other resources in the series. The access code may be delivered in a sealed pocket, or supplied via email or by your school, and provides access to:

  • Interactive Textbook
  • PDF Textbook
  • Word activities
  • Additional student resources

If a teacher activates this student text code in their teacher account, they will also have access to the additional free teaching resources.

  • Word activities
  • Additional student resources

Subscription terms (Interactive Textbook)

The Interactive Textbook is subject to specific subscription terms. When you activate your code, details of your subscription period will appear in My Resources. You may also refer to our online book store or to the information provided with your code for more details, including the subscription period.

To view a sample chapter, click on the file below in blue.

PDF Textbook chapters

  • Preliminary pages

  • Chapter 1: Cultural mulch: Stories about who we are and where we grow

  • Chapter 2: Australian stories: Telling tales of difference and diversity

  • Chapter 3: Get real: Documentary and the telling of truth

  • Chapter 4: What scares you the most? The power of gothic horror stories

  • Chapter 5: Laughing out loud: Exploring the language of humour

  • Chapter 6: Remembering: Creating narratives of memory and self

  • Chapter 7: Speeches: How language changes the world

  • Glossary and Index

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The PDF Textbook is designed for full functionality using the latest version of Adobe Reader. The markup function is available in selected PDF readers for the iPad and other devices using iOS. Check your PDF reader specifications. At the time of publication, Adobe Reader, Good Reader and PDF Expert were viable options.

Note that some PDF file names may comprise the ISBN and chapter number.


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    Brenton Doecke (Consulting Editor), Graham Parr (Consulting Editor), Rita van Haren, Mel Dixon, Suzanne Kiraly, Larissa McLean Davies, Karren Philp, Alison Robertson, Gary Simmons