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Dynamic English Skills for the Australian Curriculum: A multilevel approach Year 8


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Dynamic English Skills for the Australian Curriculum is a unique interactive online resource that combines the teaching content of the popular skills-based Essential English Skills for the Australian Curriculum Second Edition with interactive activities, a range of rich digital learning experiences and a powerful Learning Management System.

Dynamic English Skills for the Australian Curriculum offers:

  • Explicit teaching pages with detailed explanations of key concepts that make use of visual learning techniques to support independent learning in the classroom or at home.
  • A multilevel approach to key language and literacy skills, catering to the different learning abilities in the classroom and assists teachers in matching tasks to the skill of their students.
  • Auto-marked questions that allow students and their teachers to check their learning as they progress through the course. Open-ended teacher-marked questions are also included for areas where higher-order thinking is required (suggested answers included in the Teacher Edition).
  • Fully integrated offline and online tasks, plus Scorcher, that encourage students to further extend their own language and literacy development.
  • A powerful Learning Management System for teachers that combines task management tools, a test generator, readymade tests and comprehensive student and whole-class reporting tools.

See Dynamic English Skills Year 7 for a preview.

Please note that this is the student resource. If you have activated an Online Teacher Edition or Online Teacher Edition trial, please select the blue ‘Online Teacher Edition’ tab.

See Dynamic English Skills Year 7 for a preview.

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Anne-Marie Brownhill, Deborah Simpson, Alison Rucco, Sonya Stoneman