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Cambridge Money, Markets and Citizenship for the Victorian Curriculum


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Written by a trusted author team of leading educators of economics, business, civics and citizenship, Cambridge Money, Markets and Citizenship explores the contemporary issues that surround the economic and political systems that shape Australia today.

Students are equipped with the concepts, knowledge and skills they need to be global active citizens and consumers through a wide range of activities, and a new level of digital support that brings the topics to life and provides teachers with valuable task-management, testing and reporting tools.

  • Offers a uniquely Victorian perspective with the most current information available on economic and political systems in the modern local, regional and global world, covering the Economics and Business and Civics and Citizenship Victorian curriculums for Years 9&10.
  • Includes a diverse range of revision, research and collaboration activities to ensure students understand the basic concepts, apply reasoning and interpretation skills, and are fully equipped to study commerce at a senior level.
  • Provides a new level of digital support with an interactive textbook, powered by Edjin*, that engages today’s digital students through rich media, interactive activities and a competition-based Scorcher quiz.
  • Features a powerful Learning Management System in the Online Teaching Suite with comprehensive and time-saving reporting tools, a task manager and a test-generator to support all teachers,  including those new to teaching the subject.

*Edjin is a comprehensive teaching and learning platform featuring an interactive online textbook with rich digital resources for students, and a powerful Learning Management System with time-saving reporting and task management for teachers.


To view a sample chapter, click on the file below in blue.

Complete PDF Textbook

Complete PDF Textbook [PDF 65.2Mb]

PDF Textbook chapters

Preliminary pages [PDF 4.5Mb]

Chapter 1: What is economics and what is an economy? [PDF 7.3Mb]

Chapter 2: Australia's economic performance [PDF 4.9Mb]

Chapter 3: Australia in the global economy [PDF 7.7Mb]

Chapter 4: the power of money and choice [PDF 4.3Mb]

Chapter 5: Making the most of your money [PDF 4Mb]

Chapter 6: Managing identity and money in a global economy [PDF 2.4Mb]

Chapter 7: Being an entrepreneur [PDF 3.1Mb]

Chapter 8: Innovation: Gaining a competitive advantage [PDF 4.4Mb]

Chapter 9: Work and work futures [PDF 10.1Mb]

Chapter 10: Government and democracy [PDF 9.2Mb]

Chapter 11: Law, courts and justice [PDF 5.9Mb]

Chapter 12: Australia: Global citizenship and international legal obligations [PDF 4.4Mb]

Glossary and Index [PDF 0.1Mb]

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Jules Aldous, TImmee Grinham, Lori Hocking, Sasha Mildenhall, Jim Ouliaris, Alan Wharton